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BarthHaas Grants go to scientists in Berlin and Louvain, Belgium

Nuremberg, December 7, 2023. BarthHaas, the international hop specialist, has awarded one of the 2023 BarthHaas Grants for scientific advancement to Dr. Nils Rettberg and Florian Schrickel of the Research Institute for Raw Materials and Beverage Analytics at the Research and Teaching Institute for Brewing in Berlin (VLB). This year’s other grant recipients are Guillaume Willemart and Prof. Sonia Collin who are both research scientists at the Louvain Institute of Biomolecular Science and Technology (LIBST) of the Catholic University of Louvain in the Belgian city of Louvain-la-Neuve.

Rettberg and Schrickel’s team is investigating the question of how the quality and stability of intensively hopped beers can be enhanced by means of high-pressure non-thermal pasteurization processes. Willemart and Collin are studying the ways in which product stability is affected by the enzymatic activities of hops and spices that are added to the beer during fermentation. 

BarthHaas is supporting each of these research projects with a grant of 10,000 euros.  The grants were awarded at the BrauBeviale trade fair in Nuremberg on Wednesday, November 29. Dr. Christina Schönberger, head of the Brewing Solutions team at BarthHaas, congratulated the grant recipients for their highly promising research concepts. “The projects we have supported have again and again produced astonishing findings that are also valuable for us,” Schönberger is pleased to add. “Therefore, BarthHaas always has much to gain from this form of contact with scientists, too.” 

Since 2007, the annually awarded BarthHaas Grants have supported groundbreaking scientific projects at universities and research institutes. In many cases they have served as seed capital: Many successful projects attracted wide attention and could then be continued with public funding. 

BarthHaas hopes by means of the grants to arouse enthusiasm for hops, support research concepts, and, last but not least, establish and intensify contacts with promising young research scientists. A lot has happened in hop research in recent years. By awarding the BarthHaas Grants, BarthHaas has consistently given decisive impetus to the field of science. 

(l. to r.): Brian Buffin (John I. Haas), Guillaume Willemart (LIBST), Florian Schrickel (VLB), Dr. Nils Rettberg (VLB), Dr. Christina Schönberger (BarthHaas), Alexander Byelashov (John I. Haas), Thomas Raiser (BarthHaas) 


Please note the photo credits: BarthHaas 


About BarthHaas 
BarthHaas is one of the world’s leading suppliers of hop products and hop-related services. The family-owned company specialises in the creative and efficient use of hops and hop products. As visionaries, instigators and implementers of ideas, BarthHaas has been shaping the market surrounding a unique raw material for over 225 years.


Thomas Raiser 
Managing Director
BarthHaas GmbH & Co. KG 
Tel. +49 911 5489 115  

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